Our Programs
Kids Ages 4-6
Designed for the youngest students, the curriculum was designed to incorporate fun and interactive warm-ups, basic drills, and games while introducing the concepts of jiu-jitsu.
Build muscle coordination and balance
Develop self-confidence and problem-solving skills
Learn respect and discipline
Kids Ages 7-12
These classes are broken into groups based upon age, size, and skill level. Students will learn the fundamentals and build upon their technical knowledge of jiu-jitsu while incorporating warm ups, coordination exercises, and specific position drills.
Learn the foundational principles of leverage and control
Improve muscle coordination, strength, and agility
Instill respect and discipline
Teens 12-17
Designed for pre-teens to adolescents, understanding that this is one of the most critical periods of a child’s self-awareness, major emphasis is placed on the overall personal development. Students will learn the fundamental principles of jiu-jitsu and may also be introduced to a more advanced technical level. More takedowns and submissions are also applied in this class.
Explore and expand their problem-solving strategies
Increase their fitness level including speed and agility
Maintain an active and healthy lifestyle
Designed for late teens and adults of all ages and levels, this class is to introduce the foundational principles of jiu-jitsu including the concept of control and leverage. Classes will include warm ups, positional drilling, and instructions of fundamental techniques. Once basic knowledge is demonstrated, students may also participate in the rotational sparring upon the discretion of the instructor.
Learn the foundational principles of jiu-jitsu
Improve physical and mental well-being
Live an active and healthy lifestyle
Mixed BJJ
Designed for students who have at least 6 months of jiu-jitsu training, this program will give students the opportunity to further enhance their skills and technical knowledge. These classes will include in-depth instruction of higher level techniques, including attacks and defenses, unique new and old school style combinations, and situational sparring.
Increased knowledge of the Jiu-Jitsu theory
Improve physical and mental well-being
Live an active and healthy lifestyle
Advanced BJJ
Designed for students at the blue belt level and above, this program allows students to practice their jiu-jitsu from every position by participating in positional, situational, and live sparring. Students may attend these classes only at the discretion of the instructor.
Increased knowledge of the Jiu-Jitsu theory
Explore and develop one’s jiu-jitsu game
Live an active and healthy lifestyle
Memberships for children and adults start at $190/month. Special discounts also apply for Multiple Sibling/Family, Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Military, etc, so contact us to review our membership options with you and find one that best fits your needs.
Private Lessons
Private lessons are a great way to get specialized instruction for your personal skill level and help elevate your jiu-jitsu game. We offer single private lessons and also private lesson packages for individuals and families. Please book here to schedule private lessons.